Coaching your team is critical to their success. What makes a good coach?
- Avoid singling out employees for coaching. Each and every employee should be receiving coaching not just those who are struggling. You may coach them more frequently but everyone should receiving feedback.
- Feedback should be both formal and informal. If they are prepared to receiving feedback/coaching in their regular 1 on 1 meetings as well as spontaneously they will expect and be more comfortable with it.
- Coaching should not be in a group setting. You can speak to the team in a broad sense but singling out individuals will not get you what you want.
- Coaching should include things they are doing well. By telling them what they are doing well you will ensure that they will repeat that behavior. Sometimes actions/word tracks/behaviors are on autopilot and they are not even aware that they do them. Highlighting what you want them to continue to do will bring those activities to light and give you a chance to praise.
- Coaching items that need to change should be manageable. I like to give them 3 things to keep and 3 things to change. In subsequent meetings you discuss progress that has been made on items to improve and how they are making sure they repeat those activities that are desirable.
- For items to change, put together a plan that rewards steps getting to the right behavior. If you put together too many items to change that are complicated they will feel overwhelmed and likely change nothing.
- Put together a formal agenda of topics for the 1 on 1 meetings. If they know that coaching is on the agenda they will come in expecting and receptive to it.